David Gordon Green confirms SUSPIRIA remake

Indie favourite calls Dario Argento 70's horror movie a "classic" but he still wants to remake it!

By Matt Holmes /

I was rather pissed earlier in the week when the news leaked of Michael Bay's production company Platinum Dunes putting plans in place to remake the horror classic Rosemary's Baby. I'm so sick of horror remakes, they have basically almost single handily killed the genre as far as I'm concerned. It's becoming harder and harder to sell an original and risky horror script these days in Hollywood. If execs don't have a successful horror film on their desk to bastardize, then they actually have to think about what they are doing instead of exploiting the work of others. Of course there are a few exceptions to the rule. I loved what Zack Snyder did with Dawn of the Dead for example, and whenever remake discussions come up it's pretty impossible not to mention how frikkin' cool both The Thing and The Fly are. But at least 7 times out of 10, remakes suck. And that number must be way higher for the horror genre. And here we are with news of another remake. It looks like Dario Argento's iconic Suspiria will be the next to go through the remake machine and surprisingly it will be acclaimed Indie director David Gordon Green who will take. He is a cult favourite after directing Snow Angels and his next movie Pineapple Express with Seth Rogen and James Franco has those Judd Apatow fanboys buzzing with anticipation.

Surprised that Green would take the helm for this? Yeah so am I, and Green himself it would seem... (from MTV)...
€œNo, it doesn€™t make a lick of sense...€œBut it€™s wicked. I love it, plot holes and everything " "Suspiria€™ is a classic for me,€ he continued. €œI want to be scared. I want to be afraid.€ €œIt€™s an opportunity to take all artistic excellence and be inspired by what was a low budget Italian 70€™s gore movie,€ he said. €œWhere the art world meets the violent and supernatural. €œI would love to get every geek that loves torture porn and every old lady in line to see €˜Phantom of the Opera€™ to come and have this insane experience.€
I can't claim to be the biggest fan of Suspiria... though it has been YEARS and YEARS since I've seen it so I'm a little sketchy on it. I do like the idea of Green doing a horror movie. Though I've yet to see any of his work in full, the bits I have seen have shown a visually creative director who likes to play with some dark themes and situations... why doesn't he just make something original or in the vein of Suspiria, and not actually a remake of the film itself though is beyond me. Sharing some of the filmic conventions and ideas that Eli Roth is playing with right now, Suspiria is a film about an American student abroad in Germany who discovers that the dancing school she attends is actually home to a coven of Satanic witches. It's a little like Hostel in plot terms but frankly I found it far more disturbing and effective as a film. In fact, I'm sure Eli Roth must have flirted with the idea of remaking. Maybe Green can make a good movie out of it but I dunno, though I do like the comments he has to say about his intentions with the movie. Maybe this guy is the next Zack Snyder?