DC Confirms James Gunn's Suicide Squad 2 Will Be "A Completely Fresh Take"

Gunn is officially writing the Suicide Squad sequel.

By James Hunt /

Marvel Studios/Warner Bros

Reports that James Gunn was signed on to write (and potentially direct) Suicide Squad 2 broke this week, alongside rumours of it not being a traditional sequel, and now DC have confirmed that's the case.


Revealed on DC Daily - which comes from DC's official YouTube channel - Gunn is writing the script for the movie, and it'll take things in a fresh direction, with the show revealing:

"Acclaimed writer-director James Gunn has been attached to write Suicide Squad 2. Gunn is poised to bring a completely fresh take to the franchise after the first film was written and directed by David Ayer."


Crucially, there's no word yet on whether Gunn will actually direct the movie, but you'd have to assume Warner Bros want him to in order to get the full package. It's also unclear exactly what a fresh take means, but it's likely that certain characters from the first movie will still feature, with Gunn instead bringing his own sensibilities and story ideas that should make it completely different to what Ayer (and studio meddling) delivered.

Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy star Dave Bautista has already expressed interest in joining the movie, and for a franchise that didn't appear to have much life in it, hopes are certainly much, much higher now as DC look to make Marvel's loss their gain.


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