Deadpool 2: 8 Lessons It Must Learn From The Original Film

Better villains, less wildly out of date jokes...

By Sam Hill /

Who'd have guessed that Deadpool, a movie that Hollywood wasn't even sure people wanted to see, would go onto becoming the highest-grossing picture of 2016 so far? That's right: Deadpool, which stars Ryan Reynolds as the meta-inclined, fourth wall-breaking superhero of the title, has managed to pull in $673 million at the box office. Made on a budget of just $58 million (low for a superhero blockbuster, whichever way you look at it), the phenomenal and - let's face it - surprising success of Deadpool pretty much ensured that a sequel would be put into development. And lo and behold, that's exactly the case. There's no denying that Deadpool, which was directed by newcomer Tim Miller, best known for creating the awesome title sequences for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and Thor: The Dark World, was hilarious and self-aware in all the right ways. But it also suffered in a good numbers of ways, and so there are lessons to be learned as far as a follow-up movie is concerned; ways in which the sequel could build on the triumphs of the original flick. Here, then, are 8 lessons that Deadpool 2 should learn from its predecessor in order to ensure it as one of the best superhero sequels of 2017...