Deadpool 2: 8 Lessons It Must Learn From The Original Film

8. Don't Put So Many Of The Jokes In The Trailer

Not the biggest problem in the world, but a lesson to learn from, nonetheless: when the studio unleashed the trailer for Deadpool, it contained quite a lot of jokes which - it turned out - wound up in the final cut of the picture. Sometimes comedy movie trailers opt to change the jokes glimpsed in the trailers, as not to ruin them when it comes time for the film. Either that, or they just use alternates. As far as Deadpool was concerned, however, pretty much every joke used in the trailer still made into into the film, which left large portions of Deadpool feeling flat. The "I'm touching myself tonight" gag felt so familiar, in fact, that it was the opposite of funny when it came time to hear it inside the film, whilst "Did I leave the stove on?" just fell entirely flat. All this meant that Deadpool had a kind of hit and miss quality to it throughout; some jokes landed, whilst other gags - as with any joke you've heard multiple times - plainly didn't. As far as Deadpool 2 is concerned, then, it'd be good to use alternate jokes in the trailer, perhaps, or just show us less and rely on other aspects of the marketing campaign.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.