Donald Sutherland: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

It's that spectacular voice. Oh and the hair, can't forget about that.

By Joe Pring /

You just have to love Donald Sutherland's voice, it's almost as unmistakable as the fumes from your morning coffee rising into your nostrils. Father to the equally successful and unmistakable Kiefer Sutherland, Donald is no stranger to the world of Hollywood and aside from having some of the most recognisable vocal cords in cinema today, the guy is a damn good actor too. With a career spanning over fifty years worth of film roles, Sutherland has utilised his talents for more varied types of roles than you can shake a stick at. From the undeniably brilliant Don't Look Now, a supernatural film that explores the themes of loss and grief to the science fiction epic classic that is Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (a pretty self-explanatory title if ever we've seen one), Sutherland is undoubtedly near the top of the list where versatility is concerned. Known in equal parts for his piercing gaze, acting talent and crazy 70s hair, you don't have to look hard to find a handful of films from any decade that Sutherland has lent his talent to. But even for actors as well-respected as Sutherland, not everything he does is perfect. Far from it. Yes, his filmography may be littered with famous film titles, but sprinkled between them like a disgusting seasoning are some truly awful films that should never have reached the light of day. Fool's Gold is one of the biggest offenders, a film that, for one reason or another, not only pulled in a large list of famous names, but also thought it was a good idea to have Sutherland play an Englishman, complete with god-awful accent. With other contenders featured in this list being the likes of Shadow Conspiracy, a film so bad that it hasn't even received a DVD release. But let's not spoil all the fun. Read on to discover which of Sutherland's films must be seen and which ones should never reach your television screen...