Every Star Trek Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

Yes, the one where they save the whales is perfect.

By Ewan Paterson /


Star Trek might be TV's foremost sci-fi franchise (sorry, Doctor Who), but it's also one of cinema's as well.


Since 1979, Paramount Pictures have been churning out Star Trek films every decade. The odd-numbered ones have had a habit of being rather bad (until recently), and while the franchise isn't able to boast as dominant a big-screen presence as, say, Star Wars, it has plenty of critical and financial successes to its name - all with their own identity, tone and style.

But whereas ranking all the Star Wars films is a seemingly easy task, with the demarcation between prequel and sequel as clear as day, doing so with Trek is a decidedly more controversial affair. Even when the franchise was at its supposed worst, the films themselves could, at best, be described as divisive - at worst, as disappointing or self-indulgent.


With thirteen films, there’s also a lot of them. Featuring timelines both Kelvin and otherwise, series Original and not, there’s a Trek film for everyone, even if the most recent ones have come under fire for their ostensibly un-Trek-like nature.