In the age of superhero team movies, high concept science-fiction and philosophically novels-turned-films, we're just days away from a sixth installment of the Fast & Furious franchise. No matter how critically panned or culturally eviscerated, the Fast & Furious movie franchise still... won't... die. Why is that? What is this strange hold Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and company have on the moviegoing public? How has this series gotten to six movies (with a imminent seventh on the horizon)? All excellent questions. Continue on to find the answer to these and other burning questions about why this franchise just won't end...
6. Cars & Sex Sell
This would probably make a more accurate title for the series since it seems to be the producers' stock and trade in these films. These movies literally never pass up an opportunity to showcase either a woman in peril or a loud, gaudy vehicle. Strangely enough when they're given a choice it seems the filmmakers (and by extension, the fans) prefer tailpipes to actual asses. The vehicular lovin' might have reached the point of insanity when one ad for the second movie suggests that a particular car was more attractive than Eva Mendes, but for the most part the series has a damnable eye for the ladies. Let's not forget they're also loaded to the gills with homoerotic moments; hell, there's an entire episode of American Dad devoted to that very fact. A brief synopsis: four teenage boys find the script of an unmade F&F movie and somehow miss the blatantly homosensual content, obsessed instead with he sound and fury of jumping cars exploding through trains. Which leads quite neatly to my next point...