Fast & Furious: 6 Reasons Why This Franchise Hasn't Died Yet

5. Teenage Boys Exist


Consider this: with every passing year more and more major studios are pushing harder and harder for PG-13 ratings. Why, you ask? Because teenagers are the perfect target demographic. They're not terribly sophisticated and they have more disposable income then, say, small children. Add to that the fact that teenage boys are even easier to lure into the theatre than girls (that sounded pretty creepy) and you've got a recipe for 1,000 Scary Movies and Fast/Furious flicks.The aforementioned cars and sex are often notoriously high on many a pubescent young man's wishlist, so it makes sense that a series of films that marries the two together so seamlessly would be a huge hit. Once you tack on the vicarious thrills of speed, minimal plots & all the CGI a body can stand, it's like the studio is printing money.

Christoph Clay is an unabashed nerd, freelance writer and lifelong lover of all things comic book related. Currently working on various projects with writing partner Nick Jones.