Frank Miller confirms Angelina Jolie in Sin City 2

By Matt Holmes /

Confirmation of Angelina Jolie's casting in the Sin City sequel has come through, surprisingly from an Italian website. Now, I don't speak the language myself but Comics 2 Film and Comic Book Resources are both happy enough to call it a confirmation and if you try and read the blurb, it does sound that way. As I said a couple of weeks ago, this is just perfect. Rodriguez and Miller did a great job with casting the first movie with only Clive Owen being the exception. Man, I do like bashing the guy on this site, although his work in Inside Man I did praise! Her portion of the sequel, A Dame to Kill For is just as bit as good as That Yellow Bastard or The Hard Goodbye that were translated so well in the original. Miller mentions that the movie could be ready for theatres as early as the end of next year, which I wouldn't rule out as the filming on Sin City took no time at all. Perfect, perfect, perfect. If you have never read a Sin City story, go out and buy this one (or borrow it from your library). It's a great read. source - comics2film, comic book resources, italian site