According to
Coming Soon, the reason that
Robert Rodriguez decided to work on
Grindhouse instead of shooting
Sin City 2 this year was beacause he was waiting for the pregnant
Angelina Jolie to have her baby so she can have one of the lead roles. This probably won't suprise you. It's been heavily rumoured for some time that Jolie was up for the role of Ava in Sin City 2 but this, at least in my knowledge, is the first official line I have heard on the subject. This is what she told Coming Soon...
"We talked about it and I read the comic.... I don't think the film is being made at this moment. When it's actually going to be made I'm sure we'll talk about it". "It was a funny thing, because he idea came to me when I was pregnant...It was this idea of this sexy, violent and loud ... I thought maybe after I'm pregnant it would be nice to do." Not quite an official confirmation, but I think the odds are certainly in favour of Angelina Jolie appearing in Sin City 2. I really like the sound of Jolie in the sequel, I can easily imagine her fitting into the sexy, violent and corrupt world of Sin City like a glove. We already know that one of the sequel's stories will be partially based on
Frank Miller's remaining big "Sin" story A Dame to Kill For which follows the characters of Ava (possibly Jolie), Dwight (the wooden Clive Owen) and Marv (Mickey Rourke) along with a few other cameo's. Didn't Marv die in Sin City? Yes he did, but this story is set before the events of the first movie which will allow him to return. So what do you think of Jolie possibly being in Sin City 2? Was she worth haulting the project for at least a year for? I'd say yes, she is one of a kind and it's no big deal that we get Sin City one year later.... it means we get to see Grind House sooner! source -
coming soon