George Clooney going UP IN THE AIR for Jason Reitman?

In talks to play an unapologetic corporate downsizer in JUNO helmer's next film.

By Matt Holmes /

George Clooney is in talks to star in Juno director Jason Reitman's next movie Up in the Air, his adaptation of the Walter Kirn corporate satirical novel in development at Montecito Picture Co, who Dreamworks enjoy a first look deal with. If talks go well, Clooney will play an unapologetic corporate downsizer whose untethered life is consumed by collecting air miles. The project was first picked up in 2004 when Sheldon Turner (The Longest Yard) pitched a spec script to Montectico Films who then collaborated with Fox 2000 who could never get the movie off the ground and ditched the project. Reitman has been a fan of the novel for some time, quietly penning an adaptation of his own for five years before showing 30 pages of it to Monectico Films and officially signing on back in the Spring. He has now completed the script and is looking to cast. It's said he gave the script to Clooney first who was immediately interested according to Variety. The movie sounds more Thank You For Smoking than Juno for Reitman and for Clooney more Burn After Reading than Michael Clayton. We will keep an eye on this one.
