Ghostbusters: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

Chris Hemsworth steals the show.

By Jack Pooley /

Paul Feig's controversial Ghostbusters reboot has finally arrived and, you know what? It's not half bad: sure, it's no masterpiece and nowhere near the level of the original 1984 movie, but it's a solid summer entertainment and that's all it ever really aimed to be.


It's a movie propelled forward by its huge ensemble cast of terrific comedy actors, and though not every role quite hits the mark, it's safe to say that the diversity of the manic cast is largely responsible for the film's success rather than the script or the action sequences. It's easy to believe that a lot of improv went into this movie.

From the all-female Ghostbusters line-up itself through to the legacy cameos and that villain who was suspiciously left out of the movie's marketing, it's time to run down who brought the most laughs and joy to the film, who poses the most franchise promise, and who...doesn't.

Here is every major character from the Ghostbusters reboot ranked from worst to best...

19. Harold Filmore (Charles Dance)

Little has been made of the fact that Charles Dance is even in this movie, but he has a few brief scenes as Erin Gilbert's (Kristen Wiig) employer at her University, who disapproves of her ghost-hunting escapades before eventually firing her from academia and denying her tenure.


Dance sadly doesn't get much opportunity to be the funnyman here: he plays it totally straight as the script requires, though it's written to be a fairly blandly functional role, hence why an actor of his caliber ends up bang in last place.

He's certainly not bad, but it's just a disappointingly forgettable role for such a talented performer.
