Ghostbusters Remake: Who You Gonna Cast?

As we expect Sony to trigger a reboot on their Ghostbusters franchise after Bill Murray declined the proposed third movie, we help the studio out by suggesting our casting suggestions.

By Matt Aspin /

After what seems like years of speculation Bill Murray finally opened his mouth last month about the long awaited Ghostbusters threequel on the June 7th episode of long running US talk show Letterman. When asked the million dollar question if the film was actually going to happen, Murray said if a suitable script ever was to be delivered to him then he would be more than happy to return to the role of Dr Venkman.
€œThey just don€™t have a good script,€ Murray told Letterman, €œIt€™s hard. You know, even the second Ghostbusters wasn€™t as much fun for me as the first one. It€™s hard to make a sequel. That first one was so darn funny. It€™s hard for me.€
But what if a script for a 3rd Ghostbusters never pleases him? What if the cast are too old by the time it€™s finished? Yes, we all know the answer by now... REBOOT. With that in mind, What Culture has racked our collective brains to come up with the people we would cast in a Ghostbusters movie reboot, which by all intensts and purposes looks the most likely outcome of Bill Murray once again turning down the third film;

Dr Peter Venkman - Robert Downey Jr.

Bill Murray was born to play Peter Venkman. But you know who else was born to play that role? Robert Downey Jr! That€™s right, the man who is Iron Man would be the perfect choice to play the sleazy, arrogant, charismatic womanising scientist who you can't help but love. In fact he could literally play the role exactly like he plays Tony Stark, minus the cash and he€™d pretty much nail the role. Downey Jr, not unlike Murray, apparently possesses many of the same qualities as the character and has proven he can hold his own (and steal the show) in an ensemble production. Who better to play Venkman? Click "next' below to read the next entry...