Greatest Movie Scenes #45 - THE WICKER MAN

To celebrate Christopher Lee's 85th birthday, this week's great movie scene is one of his most iconic moments on film (of which he has many!). It's the final ten minutes from the classic ORIGINAL 1974 movie The Wicker Man.

By Matt Holmes /

To celebrate Christopher Lee's 85th birthday, this week's great movie scene is one of his most iconic moments on film (of which he has many!). It's the final ten minutes from the classic ORIGINAL 1974 movie The Wicker Man. SPOILERS AHEAD... The scene works better when you have seen the whole film but it still works in it's own context. It's a horrific sacrifice of a devout Christian. An innocent man who your sure will get rescued but of course he never does, and when you slowly come to the revelation that he won't... it's a terrifying moment but one that truly makes the film memorable. Love this movie. To see all our great movie scenes, simply click on the €œGreatest Scenes€ button on the right hand side menu, or click here. If you find any broken links or wish to request a scene, Contact Me and let me know.
