Guardians Of The Galaxy: 5 Reasons To Be Excited

By Matt Grazel /

Guardians Of The Galaxy will be unlike the typical superhero film because it features elements that make it unique on the surface. The Guardians of the Galaxy feature a team that is led by Peter Quill who is also known as Star-Lord whose mother is human and his father is alien. Drax the Destroyer is an alien who was resurrected after he and his family were killed. Gamora is of the Zen-Whoberi species and its last survivor. To make the team even more intriguing is Rocket Raccoon. It is fair to conclude that each of the characters have more differences than similarities which makes the Guardians Of The Galaxy unique. Here are 5 reasons to be excited for Guardians Of The Galaxy:

5. The Casting Of Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana will play Gamora in the upcoming film. Saldana portrays a strong female character very well as she does as Uhura in the two Star Trek films that have been released. Gamora possesses characteristics of being a brave heroine and the casting of Saldana into this role is a good choice. Saldana will play a character who is teaming up with other characters who are male which is similar to the surroundings of her character in Star Trek. Each of the characters that represent the Guardians of the Galaxy have enough qualities that separate them from one another but make them effective as a team and Gamora is no different. In addition to being the only female character, Gamora represents the last living member of the Zen-Whoberi species, which were killed by a religious cult known as the Universal Challenge of Truth. Saldana will shine as Gamora, a courageous female character who is a member of a team that is protecting the galaxy.