Iceman talks X-Men future... No 4th movie?

By Matt Holmes /

Shawn Ashmore, better known as Iceman in the X-Men movies has spoken a little on the future of the movie franchise and that in his opinion, X-Men 3 really was The Last Stand... "I know they are doing a Wolverine prequel and I've heard a rumor about a Magneto film... those are all in the past like prequels and origin stories, so I don't know. There are rumors about an 'X-Men 4,' but as far as I've been told 'X3' was going to be the last big ensemble 'X-Men' movie. I would love if they made another one, but I'm not sure that they will," He went on to say that if there is to an another X-Men movie then he is contractually commited to starring in it. X-Men isn't dead, mark my words. They wouldn't have offered Bryan Singer the chance to return otherwise. In my opinion, they should forget the Magneto/Proffesor X prequel (who cares about those characters if it's actors trying to imitate Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart??) and focus on telling a grounded and dark Wolverine tale and at the same time make X-Men 4 but with less characters and more focus on story and development. X-Men 3 had far too many characters and not enough screentime for each. If you are making a Wolverine movie then don't have him in X-Men 4, and let's have a new villain this time. Magneto as good as he is, isn't the only X-Men villain you know!!! source - coming soon