Infinity War: 10 Likeliest Candidates For The New Avengers

(New) Avengers Assemble.

By Connor Briggs-Morris /

With Avengers: Age of Ultron barely behind us, it’s already time to start salivating at the future of the MCU’s flagship team. A lot has changed already, and the lead-up to Infinity War is certain to reshape the game (Civil War especially). Going into the two-part epic, we can expect a complete overhaul of the team we know.


Rumours abound that the fight with the Mad Titan will, at least at first, feature none of the original roster, but the MCU is hardly devoid of heroes to fill their void, both in other films or still to be adapted from the comics.

It would be great to see Star-Lord back on Earth or the live-action incarnations of Valkyrie and Wonder Man, but with the MCU already so populated with heroes, their debuts with the Avengers needn’t be rushed, as there’s more than enough familiar faces to fill the team to the brim.

The cosmic, magical and scientific elements of the MCU look to collide here so the team will likely reflect all of those facets. With heroes we’ve already seen and new faces we're about to get introduced to, these are the most likely candidates to join the rank of New Avengers and face off against Thanos.

10. War Machine

One of the biggest challenges with the new roster will be reminding viewers of the legacy of the original heroes while paving room for new characters to develop. No hero is bigger to Marvel than Iron Man and just because Downey leaves doesn't mean they have to abandon the character. Case in point: James Rhodes, the War Machine.


Iron Man’s sidekick could easily spawn a legacy of his own. His very presence harkens back to Iron Man but his character is not much like him underneath the suit. Gone is the arrogant inventor, replaced with the soldier who sees it as his duty. This is the path that Marvel should, and likely will, follow to, in essence, create new versions and interpretations of their established heroes.

War Machine may not be a big enough of a name to warrant a solo outing but as a member of a larger team, he works perfectly. He’s got military training and more importantly, a suit of armour with a machine gun on the shoulder.
