Iron Man 3: 10 Reasons Tony Stark Is A Terrible Hero

By James Story /

Tony Stark makes you feel he's a cool exec with a heart of steel. In reality he€™s a man unjustly posing as one of Earth€™s Mightiest Heroes. He may have been the spearhead behind the relaunch of Marvel€™s cinematic universe and the most popular draw but when you compare him to his fellow heroes, or even the concept of heroism in general, Tony Stark just doesn€™t measure up. With Iron Man 3 just around the corner I can€™t wait to see what happens. I also, just like just about anyone else, really enjoyed the first Iron Man film and found the second to be mediocre. They€™re good pieces of entertainment, they would€™ve have been so well received if they weren€™t. What I€™m proposing is that while Robert Downy Jr puts on a fantastic, charismatic Tony Stark, Stark himself is by no means the hero we deserve nor need (that€™ll be the last Batman reference, I promise). While it€™s part of the characters charm and Iron Man 3 has the potential to ratify his eccentric attitude and behaviour thus far, but for now they actually point towards him being quite a bad hero. Let€™s begin with...

10. He Has No Sympathy For Coulson

Coulson€™s death in Avengers Assemble is a mixed bag. Of course, he was a lovable character who had a small but entertaining role, proving to be one of the first threads in tying together the Marvel film universe. He was capable too, not backing down from any of the superheroes he was tasked with handling and he was always cool, calm and collected. Then again, he was original IP in a Marvel film being handed over to Joss Whedon. When Coulson bites the dust, the other heroes see how an everyday man, who none of them really knew, could stand his ground against a foe much stronger than him (Loki) and fight back. If an ordinary man could try, why can€™t extraordinary men come together? Tony Stark on the other hand sees things a little bit differently, as seen below: Tony Stark: He was an idiot. Steve Rogers: He was doing his job. Tony Stark: For taking Loki alone, he was out of his league. Coulson is dead for literally five minutes and Stark is already calling him an idiot. Classy.