James Bond: 10 Most Deadly Bond Girls

By Adam Giles /

Over the course of the 23 official James Bond films that have been released over the years, there have been a wide array of exciting locations, vehicles, villains and, of course, gadgets. But what would Bond be without his Bond girls? That's a rhetorical question, but the answer is somewhat obvious - he'd be nowhere. So as Bond girls are such an important aspect of the series, and there are plenty of articles questioning who the 'best' or the 'sexiest' Bond girl is, it feels like time to bring a slightly different spin to the debate, and decide who the most dangerous Bond girls are up to this point in the series. So to celebrate the girls who have made attempts at seducing Bond into their beds, or just plain tried to kill him, read on and see who the deadliest Bond Girls really are...

Honourable Mention: Bambi And Thumper - Lola Larson and Trina Parks - Diamonds Are Forever

Bambi and Thumper are the two bodyguards of Willard Whyte, and quickly get the better of Bond when he enters the house where he believes he will find Mr. Whyte, using their athleticism to subdue Bond with vicious jumps and kicks. Bambi then attempts to choke Bond using her thighs, perfect setting the path for a much later villain in the series who I'll get to later on, although Bond escapes this situation easily enough, only for the two women to throw him into the outdoor pool. The only reason Bambi and Thumper have only made it as far as the honourable mention rather than into the top 10 is due to how easily Bond gets the upper hand over them both when they jump into the pool themselves to finish him off. When Felix Leiter turns up Bond is holding each of them underwater, letting Thumper loose and eventually Bambi after learning the location of Mr. Whyte. There's also the problem that there are two of them, and it seems almost impossible to seperate them, they are Bambi and Thumper after all, so they unfortunately just miss out on the top 10, but are no less deadly for it.