James Bond: 10 Most Deadly Bond Girls

10. Rosa Klebb - Lotte Lenya - From Russia With Love

Rosa Klebb

Blofeld refers to Rosa Klebb, a KGB double agent, as SPECTRE's number 3, and being such a high-ranking member of Bond's greatest foes pretty much gives away the fact that she is a highly deadly adversary. Rosa's plan involved hiring Tatiana Romanova to pretend to fall in love with Bond and assist him in stealing the Lektor decoding device, before sending the skilled assassin Red Grant after Bond to kill him and retrieve the device. Her plans are foiled when Tatiana does in fact fall in love with Bond for real, before Bond manages to kill Red Grant with the help of his tear gas briefcase, but SPECTRE's number 2 is killed for the failure, with Klebb given one final chance to stop Bond. This final chance comes at a hotel in Venice, in which Klebb disguises herself as a maid and enters Bond's hotel room, at first grabbing the Lektor and then holding Bond at gunpoint after ordering Tatiana from the room, although as she raises the gun to kill Bond, Tatiana attacks her and Bond is able to pin Klebb to the wall with a chair, putting just enough distance between them to render the poisonous daggers in her shoes ineffective. As Bond holds Klebb in position against the wall, she is finally finished off by a gunshot from her own pistol, wielded by Tatiana. Although she may not accomplish many deadly acts directly by herself, she does have the command of SPECTRE in her hands and is the sole reason Red Grant was hunting down Bond. This was the first time a Bond film gave a woman this kind of power so it is only right that Rosa Klebb has earned a place in this list.
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