Justice League: 10 Things You Need To Know About Ray Fisher's Battle With Warner Bros.

The Cyborg actor has been in a dispute with the studio throughout the year.

By Josh Wilding /

Justice League has been dominating headlines in recent months, and not just because the Snyder Cut of the movie is coming to HBO Max next year. While Warner Bros. is no doubt hoping that will have served as a distraction, it's only helped shine a spotlight on the damning allegations Cyborg actor Ray Fisher has made about what happened on the set of the movie's reshoots.


After Zack Snyder walked away from Justice League following the tragic death of his daughter, the reigns of the movie were handed to The Avengers helmer Joss Whedon. While it initially sounded like he was only finishing off what Snyder started, he instead reshaped the entire thing, and that's why Henry Cavill boasted a hideous CGI mouth and a four-hour Snyder Cut is now being released.

Fisher claims to have been subject to "gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable" treatment on the set of the DC Comics movie, and things have only intensified from there.

What's followed is an intense back and forth between Fisher and Warner Bros. which has included damning claims, fake movie announcements, and even another key cast member. What you'll find here is an in-depth look at everything you need to know about this very public battle...

10. It Started With A Tweet

During 2017's San Diego Comic-Con, Ray Fisher praised Joss Whedon, calling him a "great guy" and a "good" choice to come in and finish Justice League in Zack Snyder's absence. At the end of June, the actor shared a video of that moment on Instagram, and captioned it with, "I’d like to take a moment to forcefully retract every bit of this statement."


Needless to say, that shocked fans, and they only had to wait a few days for Fisher to elaborate on his change of opinion. On July 1st, he Tweeted out, "Joss [Whedon]'s on-set treatment of the cast and crew of Justice League was gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable."

He also targeted Justice League producers, Geoff Johns and Jon Berg, saying that Whedon' was "enabled" by them. This immediately made headlines, but was somewhat overshadowed by a news story that followed just a couple of hours later when it was revealed that Aquaman star Jason Momoa had been cast as the voice of Frosty the Snowman.

As you'll soon learn, that wasn't a coincidence and was, in fact, a bogus story!
