Justice League: 10 Trailer Moments That Were Cut From The Film

A moustache wasn't the only thing removed in post-production.

By Mark Langshaw /

When a movie undergoes a troubled post-production and extensive reshoots, it can show in all kinds of ways, and that's certainly the case with Justice League.


Director Zack Snyder was forced off the project by a family tragedy late in the day and was replaced by Joss Whedon, who's allegedly responsible for 15-20% of the film, although the fact he was given a screenplay credit suggests it may be more than that.

The state of the final product and how it compares to the trailer footage Warner Bros put out in advance also indicates that's the case. Not only is the tone uneven in places, a tonne of scenes from the previews are missing from the cinematic cut.

This appears to suggest there's a radically different version of Justice League kicking around somewhere and a number of fans are petitioning the studio to release the movie in the form Snyder originally intended.

The trailer scenes which were AWOL in the final cut range from alternate versions of sequences that did make the grade, to one of the most talked-about moments from the promo campaign, and here's a bunch of them in all of their deleted glory...

10. “He Said You’d Come...."

One of the most discussed moments from Justice League's trailers featured Alfred and a mysterious stranger, who made his presence felt without stepping into view.


“He said you’d come. Now let’s hope you’re not too late,” said Batman's butler, clearly teasing the return of Superman, but the fans may never know who he was addressing for certain because this scene was absence from the movie.

When this trailer first aired, it gave rise to a number of conspiracy theories, with some claiming Alfred might not be speaking to Supes at all, pointing out that Green Lantern or another bonus DC hero would make a more satisfying twist.

They were absolutely right about that. Kal-El's resurrection was inevitable from the moment he fell in Batman v Superman, and if Warner Bros had managed to sneak Green Lantern into the movie under the radar, that would have been quite the twist.

Sadly, those who went into the theatre wondering how this scene would play out were left disappointed when Superman arrived at the final battle without making a pitstop at the Batcave for a quick chinwag with Alfred.
