Justice League Snyder Cut: 10 Major Changes We Already Know About

It's finally happening.

By Scott Banner /

While working on Justice League, a movie that should have been the DCEU's defining moment as Avengers Assemble was for the MCU, director Zack Snyder was forced to step away from the project after an unspeakable family tragedy.


With Snyder no longer able to work on the movie, Joss Whedon was brought in, and it's no understatement to say that he had a vastly different vision as to what the Justice League should look like.

Even with most of the movie shot, the new director undertook a huge amount of rewrites and reshoots to better fit his picture. What resulted was a mess, and the clear product of two different directors at opposite ends of the spectrum.

After months, even years of lobbying and petitioning, fans are finally getting what they wanted: The Snyder Cut.

The original director's original vision, with no interference or changing from anyone else, will be coming to HBO Max in 2021, first in four separate one hour parts, with a vision to eventually bring it all together as one long movie.

Snyder hasn't been shy about giving details of his original vision, and with the official Snyder Cut panel at DC Fandome, there are some key differences between the two Justice Leagues that we already know about.

10. "Do You Bleed?"

Though Justice League wasn't particularly well received on release, there was one scene that stood out as easily one of the best moments: When Superman was resurrected, he engaged the rest of the Justice League in combat, showing off his strength, his agility, and matching the Flash's famous pace.


There was so much to enjoy about the sequence, however there was one tiny detail that fans weren't quite so sure of. When Superman finally got his hands on Batman, the Man of Steel asked Bruce Wayne if he bleeds.

It was a clear callback to the reverse conversation the two had in Dawn of Justice, so you'd have been forgiven for thinking the line was put in by Zack Snyder, however the director has recently revealed otherwise.

When a fan asked online if Superman would still ask the question in the Snyder Cut, the director made clear his feelings about it, that the line "makes absolutely no sense", leaving no doubts to its omission from the Joss Whedon-less version of the movie.
