Keanu Reeves turns down Watchmen

By Matt Holmes /

Keanu Reeves has become the second Hollywood star to turn down a role in Zack Snyder's highly ambitious (by the sounds of it) movie adaptation of Alan Moore's truly classic comic book mini series Watchmen. The other big star that turned down a role was Tom Cruise back in March. The news comes from Reeves' fan site Club Keanu found via Coming Soon...
Okay gang of fans, several people have sent me this movie news tidbid in about Keanu in a movie called Watchmen. One source here and of course it's all over the net now. So, in an effort to be accurate in movie news, I ran it by Erwin Stoff this morning (via email) and he said "was offered it and turned it down." Again thank you Mr. Stoff for taking the time!
Thank God for that one, we dodged a bullet there. Yeah Keanu is pretty cool sometimes but this movie would actually need him to dramatically act at a level he is just not capable of. So Mr. Snyder, you have missed out on Cruise and Reeves and your 300 star Gerard Butler is only likely to be available for a very small part. What is plan B?