The Last Of Us Movie: 9 Crucial Things They Need To Get Right

What has become known as the 'Citizen Kane of gaming', is being turned into a movie...

By Scott Tailford /

Now before you freak out too much, the above image was taken from a live-action advert Sony put together for the release of The Last Of Us in the tail-end of last year, although you have to admit seeing main character Joel all suited up in his real-life duds makes us fans get a warm sensation inside. Or does it? With the announcement of a Last of Us movie, fans of the franchise have been split into two distinct groups. As we also have a counterpoint article stating the many reasons why an adaptation is a terrible idea, for now it's important to focus on how the many ways this story could be done right; and most importantly why it should be. For any not in the know, The Last of Us is on the face of it a zombie-survival adventure told primarily through the eyes of Joel; a middle-aged man forced to survive in a desolate world devoid of all hope and especially human connection, where people have been rounded up into various safe-zones to stymy the spread of infection from a destructive mind-altering virus. The beauty of LoU lies not in a particularly original premise, but in portraying Joel's connection to young girl Ellie - setting up a fantastic contrast between a world-weary older man who knows what the state of the world was like before the virus wiped everything out, and Ellie's innocent curiosity to discover what the remnants of humankind can teach her - being she has spent her entire life post-virus, growing up in the various military bases across the country. There are a whole plethora of Game of the Year awards from every major publication under the sun last year (including our own rundown), there's nay a single person who's taken part in Last of Us' character-fuelled dissent into questionable morals and honest revelations, who hasn't come out with an interpretation of their own, or a unique take on why a particular character did what they did. Then you have the fact that the ending of the game is one of the most talked about across any artform (more about that later, but don't worry spoilers will be flagged), and you have a property that is either going to soar all the way into the history books across multiple mediums, or drag down the otherwise perfect aura that currently surrounds the property.