Look what I found in my Inbox today...

By Matt Holmes /

So I'm looking through the usual boring tripe in my inbox today when I come across a rather humorous E-mail, from one angry young lady. At least I presume it's from a young lady, they don't leave their name. I really don't think it's healthy or wise to be so obsessed by peoples careers to need the urge to defend them in such a tirade! Here's the unedited, full e-mail, in regards to four words I said about Jennifer Aniston and her upcoming movie MARLEY & ME (which has been delayed because co-star Owen Wilson tried to kill himself), in which all I said was "her career really isn't going anywhere" and this "disgusted" one reader, who felt like they had to send me this. Remember, this in response to four words written in August!

I'm so disgusted by your little write up on Jennifer Aniston and Marley and Me. So sorry to disappoint you, but Jennifer's film career is going just fine. ALL, I repeat ALL of her last 4 films have made money. This includes Derailed, Rumor Has it, Friends With Money (where she was excellent and got some great reviews) and of course The Break Up. I'm so sick of people and websites like yours perpetuating this myth that Jennifer's movies bomb. They don't. Jolie's aka, box office poison, films do though. Same with Pitt's. They're no great talents and it shows. Derailed only cost about 12 million to make and has more than doubled its costs. Rumor Has it cost only about 30-35 million to make and has made almost 90 million. These figures are not including dvd sales. Friends with Money, same thing. It more than doubled its small budget. Save your crappy insults for a more deserve actress like the totally overrated Jolie. And for the record, Jennifer can do and has done a lot more than comedy. What do you think The Good Girl was? It certainly wasn't a comedy. Derailed wasn't a comedy. Friends With Money certainly wasn't a comedy. She's currently filming Traveling with Aaron Eckhart which is a drama. I'm so sick of Jennifer getting a bad rap when she's been extremely successful in her film career. She's the most profitable film actress around, and that's per Forbes magazine. And for the record, comedy isn't easy, which explains why some actors and actresses suck at it and couldn't do comedy if their lives depended on it. {{{cough}} Jolie and dumbass Pitt.
Someone obviously didn't get over that Brad Pitt dumped Aniston on her ass. Oscar winner Angelina Jolie and harshly ignored for her great performance in A MIGHTY HEART this year, or Jennifer "I play Rachel from Friends in every movie I'm in and when I'm not playing her, NO-ONE CARES"? I know who I choose to pay my money to see.