7 Marvel Cinematic Universe "What Ifs" That Should Have Happened

If only we could step back in time and change a few things for the better.

By Thomas Christian Glynn /

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has given birth to a new method of storytelling on screen, not just in terms of comic book movies but film in general. One of the things Marvel is known for in the comic world are special "What-If" issues of classic storylines in order to see what could have happened if one character or plot turned out differently. How would this treatment work in the MCU? This article will be filled with things that were impossible to accomplish when you take into consideration contracts, budgets and a mild lack of forethought, but in the same way Marvel Comics loves it's alternate realities and do-overs, here is a €œWhat-If€ of the MCU.

7. Hawkeye As Coulson€™s Partner

Most would agree Hawkeye is such an underused character in the Marvel Universe. His initial cameo in Thor wet people's appetite but his debut in the Avengers seemed to fall a little short. Meanwhile, Coulson had become an icon being the glue that kept the first phase of Marvel movies together. What if they made Hawkeye Coulson€™s partner? The screen time needed to make that a reality would have been close to nothing. Hawkeye in the comics is known for a bit of levity and he could have played a certain playful good cop to Coulson€™s not necessarily €œbad€ but dry, ambiguous cop. There could also have been hints to him having expertise with a bow and arrow and possibly getting it to go in battle, only for the main hero of the story to take control. These could have wet our appetite even more while adding little beats of character development throughout phase 1. The result of this would be that from the start of the Avengers, much like Coulson, you already have an existing relationship between Hawkeye and nearly every member of the team and when you finally first see him use the bow, it would be magical. When he goes rogue with Loki in the beginning, Coulson would feel concerned along with Natasha and when Coulson dies later on, Hawkeye would feel hurt, along with everyone else.