7 Marvel Cinematic Universe "What Ifs" That Should Have Happened

6. Connecting "Demon In A Bottle" And "Armor Wars"

Two stories that are hinted at in Iron Man 2 are the most famous for his character: The Demon in the Bottle and Armor Wars. What if they got rid of the other subplot of the core in Tony€™s chest burning out and replace that urgency/interior conflict with alcoholism? After the events of the first movie, Tony has revealed himself to be the man in the suit. His public persona can very well still be the Tony we loved in the first movie, but what if there is a hidden pressure? Trying to keep up with the world€™s progress on their versions of the suit and more threats coming to his doorstep can catch up with him. This pressure and conflict could ultimately lead him to taking the edge off with a drink, leading to alcoholism. What if S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn€™t just a security blanket in the background? What if Nick Fury and Widow recognize Stark isn€™t mature enough to handle the suit, and they know the threat of other people attaining it is real? They could be yet another organization that wants the suit from Tony (including the military and Justin Hammer), feeding into paranoia and alcoholism. What if Justin Hammer wasn€™t totally incompetent and managed to make a €Whiplash€ armor for Anton and had them fight? I think a dynamic stance S.H.I.E.L.D. could make is that they wouldn€™t help Tony that time. They would wait for the two to duke it out and kill each other, and take the suits for themselves.

Thomas Christian Glynn hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.