With the recent news that the Marvel Cinematic universe is gearing up for an onscreen adaptation of their polarizing, yet hugely successful "CIvil War" storyline, discussion is rampant about what steps Marvel will take to ensure the concept translates well to film. "Civil War" was the annual summer event that kicked off in July 2006, which pitted the heroes of the Marvel universe against one another over the issue of the Superhuman Registration Act (SHRA), a piece of legislation which required all costumed heroes operating in the United States to register with the government under their real identities. A tragedy occurred during a confrontation between the New Warriors and a crew of villains that took the lives of 600 civilians, including 60 children. The public sentiment had shifted against the heroes and the government took action. The internet has been buzzing with speculation on how they'll pull the story off considering the rights to some of the most integral properties featured in the arc are currently owned by other studios. At this point, Marvel has certainly earned the benefit of the doubt, seeing as how everything released since the launch of Phase One has ranged from pretty good to outright fantastic. There are some things that are out of Marvel's hands, such as the exclusion of certain important characters which will forcibly remove or alter several of the story's most pivotal plot points. Let's take a look at 10 Incredibly Important Scenes We'll Never See.