MCU: 10 Things That Didn't Go The Way Kevin Feige Wanted

Those MCU moments that Kevin Feige probably wishes he could take back...

By Gareth Morgan /

Undoubtedly establishing itself as the undisputed current ruler of the box office, the Marvel Cinematic Universe arguably sits as perhaps the most successful moviemaking endeavour of our time, with Marvel Studios now churning out multiple high-profile big and small screen projects by the year.


However, while Disney's crown Infinity Stone has regularly found itself in the headlines for all the right reasons since getting underway with Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man back in 2008, as with anything in life, a few missteps along the way were always to be expected.

And while the President of Marvel Studios Kevin Feige most definitely deserves a great deal of the praise sent his way for guiding an unprecedented Infinity Saga into being and gambling on seemingly bizarre IP's that would go on to become household names in their own right, it's safe to say that not everything the mind behind the multi-verse has given the green light to has worked out for the best.

From controversial casting choices to widespread backlash towards a rather vital element in his overall universe, you can bet Mr. Feige wishes he had a Time Stone handy when it came to these particular MCU happenings.

10. Whitewashing Doctor Strange

For the most part, it must be said that Kevin Feige and the rest of his Marvel Studios squad have done pretty damn well when it comes to the casting of their various cogs in the overall MCU machine.


From inspired unexpected decisions to throw former Human Torches behind a shield, to unleashing remarkably charming former WWE wrestlers covered in prosthetics, the casting team behind the superworld has clearly scored more hits than misses.

However, when it came time to produce the first-ever big screen adventure for a certain Stephen Strange back in 2016, news of Feige and his Marvel force casting a white actor in the role of the Ancient One looked like a huge mistake out of the gates.

From the off, fans and critics alike blasted Marvel Studios for not sticking to what was on the page in the casting of the typically Asian male role and whitewashing the part instead, with Feige eventually going on record later down the road when discussing the thought process behind casting Tilda Swinton in the part by admitting, "We thought we were being so smart, and so cutting-edge..."

How wrong they were, eh...
