MCU: 13 Biggest Takeaways From Disney+ Day

The biggest gifts Disney+ gave fans on its birthday.

By Scott Banner /

To celebrate two years since Disney+ was first made available in the US, the platform brought fans its own Disney+ Day. The birthday celebrations were promised to feature new announcements, new footage, and a whole lot of excitement from across all of the Disney brands.


Naturally, with Marvel being one of the biggest franchises under the Disney umbrella, and with the MCU branching out onto Disney+ even more going into Phase Four and beyond, this was a big day to set up what fans can expect in the future. Generally, many felt somewhat disappointed and underwhelmed by what was given to them on Disney+ Day, with expectations being for more content than was ultimately provided. It all boiled down to a 15-minute sizzle reel, most of which was footage from the four series to have already released.

However, Disney still delivered more than a little on its second birthday, and if we focus on what was given rather than what wasn’t, there is a lot to be excited about going forward.

From in depth looks at the MCU’s next series, to first footage of several others, and the announcement of even more, there was a lot to talk about and take away from Disney+ Day about the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

13. Hawkeye Looks Like A Lot Of Fun

With less than two weeks to go before the first two episodes of Hawkeye drop, there have already been trailers, and the MCU marketing machine is in full swing. However, on Disney+ Day, fans were treated to their best, and longest look at the series yet.


The footage played out almost like a trailer but with a whole scene crammed in the middle. This was a car chase that immediately makes the show look like it is going to be loads of fun. There was so much to take from the few minutes that highlighted the MCU’s fifth Disney+ series, and there is clearly a lot to look forward to.

The action of the car sequence was incredible, with Kate and Clint breaking into a car to get away from the Trust A Bro Tracksuit Draculas, while going through their specialty arrows since they had run out of normal ones. This also highlighted the dynamic between the two, which genuinely seems to have the potential of being another classic MCU duo up there with the likes of Sam and Bucky.

However, no matter how good the two Hawkeyes are, it’s already clear who will steal the show. Disney+ also gave the best look yet at Lucky the Pizza Dog, the one-eyed mutt who will likely have a big role to play in getting Clint home for Christmas.
