MCU: 5 Best & 5 Worst Villains So Far

Who has come closest to taking down the Avengers? And who hasn't?

By Jack Otway /

Marvel Studios

Infinity War hits screens later this month and, though fans are excited to see the likes of Iron Man, Captain America and Co back on our screens, it is the eagerly-anticipated villain Thanos who has fans giddy with excitement and fearing for the futures of their favourite MCU heroes.


Josh Brolin’s character has been kept in the dark so far - literally. He popped up at the end of the first Avengers film in 2012 where his creepy, smiling face was all we saw. Three years later, he was back at the end of the second Avengers movie, this time putting on the Infinity Gauntlet and exasperatingly saying it was time for him to get involved. In between, there was an appearance in Guardians of the Galaxy where all he did was chill out on a rather comfortable looking throne.

Expectations are high, put it that way. Avengers fans have waited for the crazy Titan to grace our screen for six years and, during that time, have seen all sorts of crazy guys threaten the universe. Some, however, have been more threatening than others. And Thanos may have to pull off something very special if he is to establish himself towards the higher end of the MCU villain scale.


First the good ones...