MCU: Ranking Every Upcoming Project By Anticipation

Avengers, Defenders, Guardians, Inhumans and more... Get ready for it all.

By Geoff Cox /

It's been quite a year for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. New heroes like Daredevil, Vision, Scarlet Witch and Ant-Man have all been brought into the fold, the introduction of the Inhumans has begun and now Thor is on to the fact that something isn't right about the bigger picture, with Thanos' plans inching closer to the forefront.


Whether it's been through the big screen or shows on ABC and Netflix, the MCU just continues to keep expanding, with confirmed projects all the way through 2019, though it won't be stopping there. More and more shows and films are on the way to flesh out every conceivable corner of the universe, welcoming new heroes, villains and concepts every step of the way.

With so many projects in the works, it's no surprise that there's constant mystery over what Marvel will announce next. From a proposed new Blade film to a show being developed by John Ridley to the possibility of an Ant-Man sequel, there's more going on at Marvel than fans can keep up with.

With that in mind, let's take a mildly spoiler-filled look towards the next few years of the MCU at all the film and television projects that are definitely moving forward to stack up which ones we're most excited for...

17. Marvel's Most Wanted

The on-again/off-again Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. spinoff finally gained traction again over at ABC. Though details have always been scarce about the project, its core concept has always seemed to revolve around the weekly adventures of Bobbi "Mockingbird" Morse and Lance Hunter, played by Adrianne Palicki and Nick Blood respectively, both of whom were introduced during S.H.I.E.L.D.'s second season.


Where a show of their own could take them is still anyone's guess, as the two are going to continue their roles in the upcoming third season. Whether the mother show gives them a storyline that opens the door for them to leave completely and have the series run concurrently with S.H.I.E.L.D. or if it's meant to be a limited-episode hiatus filler akin to Agent Carter - perhaps over the summer in between full seasons of S.H.I.E.L.D. - is still up in the air.

The show is no surefire thing yet, though, with only a pilot set to be ordered to test the series' viability. As such, considering how little we've been told about the prospective series, it's hard to get too excited yet when we already get to see the characters on a weekly basis on S.H.I.E.L.D.
