New X-Men TV Spot Features A Deleted Nightcrawler Scene

"I froze my brain?!"

By Alex Leadbeater /

20th Century Fox

It's quite common for a trailer to feature bits of footage that don't make it into the finished film - the edit isn't finished until a few months before release, so even the filmmakers don't know what the final product will look like. And while it's irritating when you get hyped for a movie based on concepts alluded to that aren't there, it's something we've all come to expect. But when the movie's already out internationally and just a few days away from its US release? That's odd.


Fox have released a new TV Spot for X-Men: Apocalypse that focuses quite heavily on beat where Nightcrawler gets brain freeze that most definitely isn't in the film. Check it out below.


The moment comes (mild spoilers) from the scene where Jean, Scott, Jubilee and Nightcrawler bunk off school to go to mall, which featured prominently in the pre-release materials, but in the film amounted to a single scene where Bryan Singer compared the film to Return Of The Jedi. It did feel odd that this excursion was so brief, so it's hardly surprising there's more to it (we also get a shot of the quartet walking at the end). Although that's nothing on why it's in the marketing at this point. Have Fox really shown everything already?

Have you seen X-Men: Apocalypse? Should this scene have been included? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments.
