"OH LORD, OH JESUS CHRIST!" Yup, it's on it's way again...

By Matt Holmes /


Last year's remake of The Wicker Man should be the evidence studio execs use when some young smuck or some hack director in a fancy suit comes into their office and says... 'I wanna remake , so give me some money. Likewise, George Sluzier's 1993 remake of his own classic Danish film The Vanishing should be the evidence that the execs use when a director comes in wanting to remake their own movie. I can't understand the mind-set of Robin Hardy, the director of the original Wicker Man in 1973. You directed a classic film that works so well for audiences even today and even though it was made on a paultry budget, it's the actors faces, the setting, the great performance from Edward Woodward that will never age the film. It's playing around some British cinema's recently, it's still shocking audiences with it's religious themes and general bizarreness. Moviehole are reporting that shooting is set to begin in September on Cowboys for Christ, Robin Hardy's remake of The Wicker Man which is set to shoot in Texas and in Scotland. At least this one has Christopher Lee (although why he is interested in doing this I don't know) and also veteran Faye Dunaway with casting currently underway for the movie's two young leads.
Starring Christopher Lee and Faye Dunaway, the film tells of a Christian singing star and her chaste fiance, a Texas cowboy, who travel to Scotland for a music festival that is merely the curtain-raiser for a horrific pagan ritual of sacrifice and murder, and it's uncertain if the power of the Americans' Christian faith will be strong enough to survive the assault of the pagans.
Looks like this movie will follow a young American couple who stumble across the Island (if it is indeed an Island in this remake). The only possible reason to do this film is to show Neil LaBute that this is how you make The Wicker Man but could do that by just showing him the original film... why bother with all this remake nonsense?