PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 2 First Clip Features Katie!

By Simon Gallagher /


'Paranormal Activity 2' hits cinemas in the UK and the US this Friday (hurray for same-day release schedules) and Paramount Pictures have teasingly released an eight-second clip that is sure to whet fans' appetites and set rumours flying so close to it's opening.

Despite its brevity, the clip inspires a lot of questions, confirming Katie Featherston's return, as well as hinting that Micah Sloat may be playing some part in the film. One thing is for certain, the second film is definitely linked in a big way to Oren Peli's original, and that can only be a good thing as far as I'm concerned: otherwise we may have just ended up with a series of one-shots, endlessly replaying the same tricks and scares in the vein presumption that audiences will stick with a franchise simply because of familiarity (see 'Saw').

So, what - is this is a prequel? A sequel? Is Katie still possessed? Was Micah "not up for hanging out" because he's stone dead already? If I wasn't still mentally scarred from watching the first film in a haunted cellar, I'd be queuing now to find out when 'Paranormal Activity 2' opens this coming Friday. For a chance to win a VERY special 'Paranormal Activity 2' prize, click here.