Paranormal Activity - The Ghost Dimension: 12 Ways It Ruins The Franchise

Prepare for the year's biggest troll 3D.

By Jack Pooley /

2009's Paranormal Activity became an absolute phenomenon upon release, firmly establishing itself as the next big horror movie franchise with a number of successful (if not exactly critically beloved) sequels. As box office and critical reception began to wane, though, Paramount were forced to speed up their "end game" for the series, resulting in the long-delayed final movie, The Ghost Dimension, which is now in cinemas. As will be unsurprising to anyone who watched the trailer, it's an abject mess of a film from top to bottom, showing very occasional flecks of promise but pretty much delivering exactly what you expect, namely the opposite of what the filmmakers promised prior to release. In the grand tradition of horror movie series, they can't quite ever leave a good thing alone or hand it a dignified ending, and Activity, which is tracking to be a relatively modest success for the studio at best, is no different. It might be a car-crash curiosity or an act of "duty" to see it for hardcore fans, but everyone else should best steer well clear.

12. Katie Isn't In It

Let's get one of the biggest disappointments out of the way first: despite being the figurehead of the PA franchise, Katie only appears briefly in child form in this movie, and adult Katie is nowhere to be seen. Given how pivotal she appeared to be to the overall plot in previous films, it's pretty damn shocking that her importance here is massively downplayed, with only brief mentions being made to her presence at all. In the other films, Katie's appearance usually indicated chaos and moving the series' plot forward, but sadly neither she nor any significant surviving character from previous movies (namely Ali Rey, who many hoped would take on Toby) get a look in. Once the full scheme of the coven is revealed later on, you'll probably be left wondering why there was so much focus put on Katie at all.