Paranormal Activity - The Ghost Dimension: 12 Ways It Ruins The Franchise

11. It's The Most Boring Film In The Series

If you thought that the new tricks introduced for this movie might diversify things a little bit, especially coming after the surprisingly entertaining The Marked Ones spin-off (which ditched the nightly locked-off camera gimmick), you'd sadly be wrong. The script pretty much just puts the most familiar ideas from the previous films in a blender and serves them up here, from the creepy kid you know is going to cause trouble later, to an annoying family living in an incredulously large house, the inevitable arrival of a priest characters who dumps exposition on the protagonists, and tons of jump scares. Sadly by the sixth film in the series it's all just too samey and predictable: you'll see the jumps coming a mile off, and that's the real crime here, that it's a lazy rehash of what came before. There are long stretches of the short 88-minute run-time that are aggressively dull, and considering it's the final film in the series (apparently, anyway), it takes far too long to go anywhere.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.