Peanuts Movie: 4 Reasons It Could Be Good (And 5 It Could Be Terrible)

By Robert James /

Oh, Good Grief! Remakes, reboots, and re-imaginings are inevitable in this day and age, yet somehow it came as a shock when Fox Animation and Blue Sky studios acquired the rights to make Charles M. Schulz's Peanuts into a feature length motion picture. It was even more of a surprise when just a couple days ago the teaser trailer was released onto the internet for millions to see. While it only consisted of a short little sequence, featuring the two most iconic characters from the beloved comic strip and TV specials (Charlie Brown and Snoopy), this preview created some quite impressive shockwaves - mixed feelings have been flying around the web, some bemoaning the reboot of a classic, others tentatively excited to see their favorite childhood characters return to the screen.So this all begs the question: Will this film be a good nostalgic throwback, or a cynical cash-grab? Only time will tell, but in the meantime I have assembled a handful of compelling reasons on either side of the debate. Let's start with the good: