Ranking: 10 Highest-Grossing Horror Movie Franchises

Which iconic horror franchise rules the roost?

By Jack Pooley /

Dimension Films

When it comes to making a guaranteed return on your investment, there's no movie genre safer than horror.


Generally low-budget, quick to make and basically critic-proof, horror has giggly teens and gorehounds alike reliably forking over their cash, and the gravy train is showing no sign of stopping, what with Jigsaw decisively winning this past weekend's U.S. box office.

It's no surprise, then, that most successful horror films will end up spawning at least a sequel if not a full-on series, typically leading to easy box office bucks, at least until audiences start losing interest six-or-so movies in, before the inevitable remake, reboot or rebootquel abounds.


These 10 horror franchises are the most profitable in the history of the genre, having incredibly grossed over $1 billion in a few instances, and all delivering incredible returns on modest investments.

Are these successes also indicative of actual quality, though? You probably know the answer to that one...
