Ranking All The Alien & Predator Movies, From Worst To Best

Where does The Predator stand with his Alien brethren?

By Thor Magnusson /

Two of Fox’s signature franchises seemed destined to intertwine and become linked as one series; both original instalments subverted their specific genres - Alien (1977) the horror movie, Predator (1986) the action movie. They also created landmark central creatures and took B-movie cliches and elevated them to A-list standards.


Dark Horse comics held publishing rights to both properties and after having massive success with each, decided to pit them together in a landmark 1989 mini-series. The response was so massive 20th Century Fox decided to throw an official nod to it in Predator 2 (1990) with the Alien skull sitting on the Predator's trophy mantel.

Certainly, its been a bumpy road for both franchises since their initial classic entries yet each movie has an enthusiast filmmaker behind it, attempting to stake out an individual stamp on the franchise - whether they tried and failed, there is still always a genuine pulse pumping in the film's vision - which is rare for two tentpoles studio franchises.

Staking out a clear-cut order for these films is a high-task, every fan has their own distinct assortment, even with what stands at number one. So this all comes down to a strong personal preference - although I'm sure everyone will agree with my bottom entry.

12. Alien Vs Predator: Requiem (2007)

Most weren’t expecting much from debuting directors the Strause brothers and their sequel to a lambasted spin-off...but at least fans were getting an R-rating this time? Nope, it didn't help this giant turd for numerous reasons.


Tossing the Sci-fI monsters into the small-town USA setting swiftly evaporated all mystique from them. Also, proceedings were filled with painful dialogue, dull characters and coasting TV actors more at home in a Z-grade slasher movie. It swiftly sent this duo of A-list creatures to the bottom of the horror barrel.

In all fairness, the directors seemed happy with their head in the gutter - they're pumped to deliver gore-hounds plenty of monster action and grisly kills - but they even fail to deliver on trashy fun terms.

The action scenes are indecipherably shot like a Bourne movie with the lights turned off; it's a dark and confusing mess. Considering the director's obvious affinity for the Predator and practical old-school effects, it's a baffling approach.

What R-rated scenes do shine through are plain nasty - the graphic deaths of children or pregnant woman leave a bitter taste - making this not just a terrible movie but a juvenile and mean-spirited one too. Skip it.
