Ranking February 2017's Movies From Worst To Best

From John Wick to Valentine's Day sludge.

By Jack Pooley /

Summit Entertainment, Universal & Warner Bros.

February isn't typically a particularly adventurous month for film, usually consisting of awards stragglers, terrible horror movies and low-effort Valentine's Day offerings.


This year it wasn't much different, but at least studios released some compelling counter-programming to combat all the romance, and a ton of the Oscar fare actually lived up to the hype, so that's great.

Still, the cinematic calendar really ramps up next month, with the "summer" blockbuster season seemingly kicking off earlier with each passing year. March will bring us Logan, Kong: Skull Island, Beauty and the Beast, Life, Power Rangers and Ghost in the Shell to name just a few.


Here are February 2017's movies ranked from worst to best...