Ranking May 2015's Movies From Worst To Best

Let's face it, was anything ever going to top Mad Max: Fury Road?

By Jack Pooley /

May is always one of the most interesting months of the cinematic year, because blockbuster season is now in full swing, and studios have started releasing their heavy-hitters with their eyes dead-set on box office destruction. It's been a pretty solid month on the whole: only 5 of the 15 films featured in this list scored less than 50% on Rotten Tomatoes (though three of them admittedly also scored less than 10%), and with several big-budget outings totally hitting their marks, Hollywood proved how gratifying tentpole fare can be when done right. May hasn't been without its disappointments, though, and you probably know exactly which certain Disney fantasy film that's in particular reference to. Not everything can hit big, of course, but on the whole it's been an intriguing month full of diverse cinema of a typically solid standard. As for June? Some of the month's bigger releases include Entourage, Insidious: Chapter 3, Spy, Jurassic World, Inside Out and Ted 2, so there's certainly going to be plenty to discuss in four weeks' rime Without any further ado, here are May 2015's movies ranked from worst to best (and remember, Avengers: Age Of Ultron was featured last month due its significant international release, so it hasn't been forgotten about...)