Ranking The Next 10 Superhero Films From Least Anticipated To Most

Avengers: Endgame disproves that "when everyone's super, no one will be."

By William Jones /

Superhero movies are positively booming.


The genre that was once so underrepresented and disrespected in blockbuster cinema is now one of the dominant forces in the marketplace, with what seems like dozens of new superhero films coming out every year. From Marvel, to DC, to Dark Horse, to entirely new creations, superhero characters are everywhere.

Of the next ten superhero films set to be released in theaters, there are films that run the gamut from looking like sure-to-be all-time classics and ones that have seemed doomed to fail ever since they were announced. Some of them already have the entire world anticipating their release, while others remain complete obscurities to the average moviegoer.

But which upcoming comic book movie is the most exciting...?

10. The New Mutants

At this point, honestly, who is this for?


When this film was first released, it seemed like a promising enough project. Directed by Josh Boone of The Fault in our Stars-fame, the film was set to further flesh out the post-Days of Future Past universe for the X-Men franchise and also set up some new characters who could potentially take over the main franchise in the years to come.

However, since then, the film has had its release date continuously pushed back (to the point that its now coming out a full year later than originally intended) due to studio tinkering and reshoots, allegedly all in an attempt to make the film "more horror-driven".

But in the interim between its release date pushbacks, Disney bought Fox and with each passing day, the X-Men universe's expiration date comes more into focus. The New Mutants is now a film meant to flesh out and expand upon a film franchise that's already dead, so what's even the point?

Pair that with an incredibly underwhelming first trailer from nearly a year ago and things look pretty bleak. The anticipation for this so low, it'll honestly be surprising if this even gets a theatrical release.
