Ridley Scott Teases Xenomorph's Return In Alien: Covenant

"We'll have them all."

By Dan Woburn /

Ridley Scott has spoken with The Wrap and dropped a few morsels of information about his Prometheus follow-up, titled Alien: Covenant. The most fan-pleasing information is essentially the fact that Scott says we'll see a return to the Xenomorph that we know and love, and not just that, either.
"There was always this discussion: Is Alien, the character, the beast, played out or not? We€™ll have them all: egg, face-hugger, chest-burster, then the big boy."
Clearly, he doesn't think the beast is "played out" at all. Not that I'm complaining, as I think the world is ready for another glimpse at the horrific hell-spawn. I think that the alternate Engineer-born 'Deacon' Xenomorph glimpsed in Prometheus was a great little tease for the return of the grandaddy. Say what you will about Prometheus, but it can probably be agreed that the ending was intriguing, with Shaw and David heading off to the Engineers' home planet. In the same interview with The Wrap, Scott dropped a couple more hints about the plot of Alien: Covenant, which follows on from Prometheus.
Well, really it€™s €œAlien.€ They€™re going to go to the planet where the engineers came from, and come across the evolving creature that they had made. Why did they make it? Why would they make such a terrifying beast? It felt bio-mechanoid, it felt like a weapon. And so the movie will explain that..."
It remains to be seen whether the explanation, or the film itself, will be worth the wait. I'm definitely of the mind that Scott has at least one more great Alien film in him. Alien: Covenant is currently scheduled for release on 6 October 2017.