SAW IV photo's. One very spoiler-ish

Halloween season is vastly approaching. SAW IV has managed to stay pretty much spoiler free, but what does this image mean?

By Matt Holmes /

From the trailer of SAW IV, Tobin Bell's villainous Jigsaw character looks dead. Very dead actually. So curiously, he is show in these images below. I can't imagine they will feature him in just a flashback. I actually find myself quite interested in finding out just exactly how they will bring him back. The movie is quickly creeping up on us soon as we edge closer to the Halloween season. I actually might be making the dreaded trip to see Rob Zombie's HALLOWEEN tonight. I can't say I'm expecting a good time but ya know, I saw HALLOWEEN H20 in the theatre too and HALLOWEEN RESURRECTION and it can't be any worse than those... even if it does piss me off.


source - slash film, movies online