Solo: A Star Wars Story - 17 WTF Moments

"All of those stories about me are true..." What, even the robot sex?

By Simon Gallagher /


if you can look past the faint praise that seems to be splashing liberally over Ron Howard's Solo, there definitely do seem to be some ardent fans of the Western mash-up adventure caper. There's no knocking its enthusiasm, that's for sure, nor its attempts to play to what Star Wars fans love.


Okay, so there wasn't a lightsaber battle or any Force use (or even any mention of it), but a lot of other pillars of the fandom were hit and there's no denying that Ron Howard knew where his film belonged. The execution might have been a little iffy in places and some will say it didn't need to exist at all, but there are certainly elements to admire.

There were also some of those moments that left your jaw hanging or you scratching your head in confusion because there's always a close relationship between the Galaxy Far, Far Away and shouts of WTF...


17. No Crawl, No Fanfare


This might not be a mainline Star Wars movie, but not having the usual fanfare and scroll at the start for effect is a massive shame, particularly when it's not entirely clear when the film is set at the start.

Surely if it's necessary to have opening text to establish setting and SOME context (more might have been nice to deal with the Empire's rising power at the very least), then putting it in a fan-pleasing crawl might have been a better idea? Particularly when the movie needed as much fan goodwill as possible.
