Spider-Man: Homecoming - 45 Easter Eggs & References You Probably Missed

Peter Parker's Day Off...

By Simon Gallagher /

Marvel Studios

If you're already lucky enough to have seen Spider-Man: Homecoming, you will know that Marvel have achieved everything they set out to the moment they sat down with Sony to thrash out a deal for the wall-crawler's movie rights. They not only made a stand-alone movie worthy of the iconic character, but they also tied it to the MCU in brilliantly organic ways without it ever feeling forced or manipulated.


The film is a glorious mash-up of pure comic book spectacle with an Archie-comics-like tone and a John Hughes movie spirit, which will delight MCU fans, Spider-Man fans and mainstream casual fans looking for a good time. It's hugely entertaining, packed with heart and humour and it sets up Spider-Man's future in the MCU in a far more confident way than the seemingly precarious deal with Sony suggests is possible.

Not only are there narrative links to potential sequels, there's also a rich vein of general MCU references, as well as 80s movie Easter Eggs, the usual comic book nods and some other pop culture call-backs.


It's a jam-packed movie, to say the least...