Spider-Man: Homecoming - 9 Big Implications For The Future Of The MCU

Homecoming only adds further strands to the tangled web that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

By James Hunt /

Marvel Studios

Heading into Spider-Man: Homecoming, there was a lot of discussion around how the movie would fit into the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe. While the character was introduced in Captain America: Civil War, this was his proper arrival in the MCU, and there were concerns - especially given the prominence of Tony Stark - that it might have to do too much in terms of setup or fitting in with that world.


Thankfully, such fears proved unfounded, as Marvel and Sony's team-up delivered a movie that is, first and foremost, a brilliant Spider-Man film. Tom Holland delivers a perfect Peter Parker, there are a couple of stunning action sequences, and a lot of the movie is self-contained with regards to Spider-Man and the high school setting.

However, it does also work as a great MCU movie. Tony Stark's presence is an important part of the film, but without being too much in terms of screen time, while there are a few other cameos and hints towards the bigger picture.


It is, as Marvel say, all connected, and as Spider-Man gets itself caught up in the massive web that is the MCU, there's plenty in the movie that should have a big bearing on the future.