Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Spin-Off: Everything You Need To Know

They're from another dimension.

By Stacey Henley /

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse was the ultimate remedy for Sony Animation after The Emoji Movie received critical disdain. With Spider-Verse and Venom, Sony keep proving that while letting Disney play with Spider-Man was always going to lead to huge profits for their rival, keeping the universe has given them the best of both worlds.


When it comes to the Spider-Verse, the best might still be yet to come. A spin-off from Into The Spider-Verse, starring Gwen Stacey, Silk and Spider-Woman has been greenlit. Hailee Steinfeld is due to return as Gwen, and we know a few of the behind the scenes names too. Plot details so far are sketchy, but there’s still plenty of other things to explore.

New characters means new powers, new relationships, and new origin stories - and just because three characters are known to be leading the story doesn’t mean we won’t see others popping up. Spider-Man is one of the most beloved characters Marvel has, so it’s no surprise many writers and artists have conjured their own versions through the years.

These movies are finally giving them a chance to shine in the mainstream, but there’s a few things you might want to know about this particular one before going in...

7. Silk Has Already Featured In The MCU

It might have been more of a nod to comic book fans than it was trying to anchor her in the MCU’s lore, but it’s worth noting nonetheless. With Donald Glover's Aaron Davis referencing his nephew, we know Miles exists in the MCU too, and that had no bearing on the first Into The Spider-Verse whatsoever.


However, with so much Spidey coming next year, there’s plenty of reasons to rewatch. Into The Spider-Verse will be out on DVD, Endgame and Far From Home will be in theatres and the PS4 hit game will likely see a sequel announced. This reference is just one to keep an eye open for.

Tiffany Espensen plays ‘Cindy’ in Spider-Man: Homecoming, one of Peter Parker’s regular classmates. She’s part of the mathletes, but other than that doesn’t particularly get much screentime. Even her name of Cindy might have been a coincidence rather than a nod.

However, there are some longer term plans for live action Silk too, covered a little later in the list. And tied to that is confirmation that Cindy’s last name is indeed Moon, and that Cindy in Homecoming is therefore Silk.
